IMPORTANT! Please note that individuals listed here are not necessarily Indian. They may be free blacks, mulattos, mestizos, or any other non-white citizens. This is just intended to be a potential … [Read More...] about 1790 Coastal Carolina Indian Cross-Reference Database
Woodland Period Mortuary Variability in the Lower Roanoke River Valley: Perspectives from the Jordan’s Landing, Sans Souci and Dickerson Sites
by Charles L. Heath, RPA for Fort Bragg Cultural Resources Management Program, XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Bragg and Department of Anthropology, Research Laboratories of Archaeology - University of … [Read More...] about Woodland Period Mortuary Variability in the Lower Roanoke River Valley: Perspectives from the Jordan’s Landing, Sans Souci and Dickerson Sites
Saponi Lands in Eastern North Carolina
Information on mid-18th century Saponi lands in present-day Wayne County. Includes Cliffs of the Neuse State Park (est. 1945.) … [Read More...] about Saponi Lands in Eastern North Carolina
Giving Voice to Powhatan – Dr. Blair Rudes
This paper was shared with us by Dr. Rudes in 2006 as part of an ongoing dialogue we had with him about his work with the Algonquian language on the film The New World. In the paper, he explains the … [Read More...] about Giving Voice to Powhatan – Dr. Blair Rudes
The ‘Lost’ Colony and John White’s ‘Virgenia Pars’ Map: An Outer Banks historian provides some much-needed historical context
Editor's note: As news trickled in late last week and over the weekend regarding the latest discovery beneath the patches on the John White 'Virgenia Pars' map, I immediately knew I wanted to speak to … [Read More...] about The ‘Lost’ Colony and John White’s ‘Virgenia Pars’ Map: An Outer Banks historian provides some much-needed historical context
Indians named in Court Records of Carteret County
Extracted from court record books and submitted to CCIC by Kevin Davis of Carteret County. (From series: Early Carteret Court Minutes 1723-1820) {Volume I, page 43} September term of court for … [Read More...] about Indians named in Court Records of Carteret County
North Carolina Resolutions against Bay River Indians, Tuscaroras and their allies
This series of orders from the North Carolina Colonial Record (Second Series, Vol. VII) – 1711-1712, explains the colonies intentions against the Tuscarora and Bay River Indians in the wake of the … [Read More...] about North Carolina Resolutions against Bay River Indians, Tuscaroras and their allies
Craven County, North Carolina – Its Origin and Beginning
by Dr. Charles R. Hollowell (Includes Tuscarora Peace Treaty of 1712) … [Read More...] about Craven County, North Carolina – Its Origin and Beginning
Chief Elton Greene’s Tuscarora Dictionary
Although not produced by Dr. Rudes, this word list was the first publicly available Tuscarora language dictionary available until Dr. Rudes completed his thorough and accurate … [Read More...] about Chief Elton Greene’s Tuscarora Dictionary
Croatoan Word List by Scott Dawson
The following was submitted by Scott Dawson (Hatteras). The extended definitions first four words were provided by Dr. Blair A. Rudes. … [Read More...] about Croatoan Word List by Scott Dawson
What is the truth about the Lost Colony? – New insight into America’s oldest “mystery”
Recently, more than one television documentary has offered viewing audiences one spin after another about one of America's favorite historical mysteries–the Lost Colony. Through my work with Coastal … [Read More...] about What is the truth about the Lost Colony? – New insight into America’s oldest “mystery”
Indian Settlements in the Post-War Era
Brief descriptions from Hawks’ History relating to the various settlements (reservations/territories) specified for Indian use in the post-Tuscarora War era. … [Read More...] about Indian Settlements in the Post-War Era