Chowan County, NC - John Basse Bible Record ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Book of John Basse-Norfolk County Virginia NC Archives - Bibles Call No. 400.1.1.418 Nathaniell Basse and Mary Jourdan was marrid ye 21 day of May in ye yeare of our blessed Lord and Savior 1613 Humphrey Basse sonne of Nath'll and Mary Basse his wife was borned ye 15 day of ye month of July in ye year of our blessed Lord 1615, dyed in 1622 John Basse was borned ye 7 day of viiber in ye year of our Lord 1616, ye sonne of Nathaniell and Mary Basse his wife William Basse sonne of Nathaniell and Mary Basse was borned on ye xxv day of Xber in ye year of our blessed Lord God 1618 Anthony Basse sonne of Nathaniell Basse and Mary his wife was borned on ye xiii day of March in Gods yeare of 1620 Edward Basse ye sonne of Nathaniell Basse and Mary his wife was borned ye 8th day of Maye in ye yeare of God 1622 Anne Basse the daughter of Nath'll and Mary his wife was born in ye yr of X't 1624, ye 9 day of Sber Geneveve Basse ye daughter of Nathaniell Basse and Mary his wife was borned on ye 9 day of Sber in ye year of our blessed Lord God 1624, about ten minutes after Anne was borned Blessed be God for His tender Mercies. Amen Humphrey Basse sonne of Nath'll and Mary dyed ye 22nd day of March in ye yeare of our Lord 1622 John Basse married ye dafter of ye King of ye Nansemund Nation, by name Elizabeth in Holy Baptism and in Holy Matrimonie ye 14 day of August in ye yeare of our blessed Lord 1638 William Basse sonne of Nath'll and Mary Basse was married to Sarah Batten ye 20th day of September in ye yeare of our Lord 1641 A.D. Edward Basse sonne of Nath'll & Mary Basse yt unregenerated by the Spirit of God took in marriage one virtuous Indian mayd'n by the Christian name of Mary Tucker and went to live amongst the Shownanocs in Carolina in 1644 A.D. - He went to Carolina in later years in persute of trade and not in 1644 This the Book of John Basse - Steal it not... John Basse borned in 1616 - John Basse dyed in 1699 A.D. Norfolk County Virg'a This doth certify that William Bass, son of John Bass and grandson of William Bass, is of English and Indian descent and is not a Negroe nor y't a Mulattoe as by some lately and malitiously stated. His late Mother Sarah Ann Bass was a virtuous woman of Indian descent, a daughter of Symon Lorina and Joan Tucker lawfully begotten. Sd Joan Tucker was a sister of Robin Tucker a Christian Indian of ye Nansemund nation. Ye sd William Bass, ye elder, was a son of Mary Bass and William Bass, Senr. Mary Bass was a daughter of Great Peter, King of ye Nansemunds. These are of common knowledge. All of the Basses of this County descend from Capt'n Nathaniell Basse, as satisfactorally proved by the records preserved May ye 17, 1797 Test: Wm Portlock ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Guy Potts <> ___________________________________________________________________